Lemon Tree Public Schools in Taleigao is now a part of the School book Treasury! Bookworm was invited to do a workshop for their preschool teachers on the 21st of July. The objective of this workshop was to create a system that facilitated a better reading habit and also, to use books more fruitfully in the learning process.
The workshop was conducted by Sujata Noronha and was attended by the 6 teachers of the school.
Starting off with the attendees going through a discussion of the types of books we know of and the kinds of stories that exist, in not too long, the participation levels at the workshop were at a high.
As the morning progressed, demonstrations of how stories could be used to enhance learning in a class room set up became apparent as Sujata demonstrated with a book called “Joe’s Holiday”. Through the reading of this book, it became apparent that a story could hold the attention of not just a child.
The session moved on to a more detailed discussion of the value of using story books in class and “hands on” became a very key feature of the rest of the day that followed. The teachers got busy with art and craft as they were taken through a demonstration of an extension activity to the book “In My Pocket”.
By this time, the teachers had settled into a creative mode and ideas and thoughts flowed and lesson plans began being discussed.
As this happened, the link between books and learning was brought through. The building blocks to reading were shared and examples were given on how a story book brings all the essentials to reading in an organic and developmentally appropriate way in the hands of a competent teacher.
The session ended with the another story demonstration and a guided discussion of the feasible ways to implement a productive library system, ideal for the teachers and fulfilling for the students.
Ideas and creativity were at a peak at the end of the session. The teachers were happy to have been introduced to this new facet of story books and the Bookworm team was happy to have been a part of that process!