Bookworm Trust

Libraries in School Programme: Fostering a Love for Reading

Written by Vishwanath Pai Bhatikar Bookworm is not just a name but a sentiment that echoes amidst all those that believe in the power of reading books. Its vision is to foster a love for reading in children, provide opportunities for those who do not easily have access to books, create tools that help them […]

LEC 2024: A Journey of Discovery

Written by Reshma Kotwal I have a bad case of the butterflies. It isn’t just the turbulence. I’m headed to Goa for the first contact period of the LEC course. Despite my background in education, I’ve never engaged directly with children, not even in a classroom let alone a library. This is terra incognita — […]

My time at Bookworm

Written by Aari Teresa As a reader, I initially discovered Bookworm and instantly fell for their graphic novel section. Eventually, I decided to pursue an internship and it has been a completely novel and fun experience for me, with plenty of exciting new challenges. My name is Aari, and I’ve been interning at Bookworm for about […]

Introduction to Libraries Workshop

by Rigzin Lhamo My perspective of Goa was limited to images of sun-soaked beaches and sizzling nightlife. It was firmly rooted in this outdated vision until I had the chance to attend the “Introduction to Libraries” workshop at Bookworm, this July. Little did I know that this trip would reshape my view of Goa but […]

Bookworm’s First Reading Challenge

Written by Wendy D’Sa The inter library Reading Challenge winner was announced in May 24 and much to our expectations, The Alban and Aurora Couto Community Library, Aldona was awarded the winner.  In January of 24 when Sujata proposed the idea of holding an inter library Reading Challenge between all our five libraries, the library team […]

When the library screened ‘Chaityabhumi’

Somnath Waghmare’s film, Chaityabhumi, had been popping up on my social media feed for some months. I often paused and eyed the blue-tinged poster with curiosity. I had been piecing together bits of information from a dozen tweets – the documentary film was screened at Columbia University; Somnath was a research scholar at TISS, Mumbai; […]

Reading Helpers Program Workshop for Primary Teachers

Reading Helpers is a program for teachers to support children who need help with their reading. Through this program, children are encouraged to learn and practice reading with one-on-one support in a structured yet enjoyable environment. A three-day workshop was organised by Bookworm in collaboration with the Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration. 48 teachers […]