Bookworm Trust

Sharing CII intervention study

Mr Anil Kher President of CII shared a report of a 4 year Primary school Intervention undertaken by him and his team in schools in Corlim, Goa. The sharing session was attended by some representatives of CII team and some educationists who work in Elementary Education .  Prima facie sharing revealed that the time frame […]

Booktalk with Savia Viegas about Let me Tell you About Quinta

Books, brownies and bonding….what better way to spend a rainy June evening?! Booktalk is finally here! The bookworms, as planned, met up in the evening of 20th June and a rousing discussion ensued! Bookworm’s booktalk began with author Savia Viegas sharing her journey with ‘Let me Tell you About Quinta‘ published by Penguin India. Savia […]