Bookworm Trust

Booktalks under the Gazebo

Author- Swati Ramkumar My journey with the Library Educator’s Certificate course feels like a dream come true. To think, read, and talk about children’s books in the company of fellow book enthusiasts is pure magic. So, when it was time for our second contact session in January, I was abuzz with anticipation. Our venue this […]

Breaking, Building, and Belonging: My LEC Journey

Author: Jyoti Narayan When I stepped into the Library Educator’s Certificate (LEC) course, I expected to learn about running  a library, organizing books, and engaging young readers. What I didn’t anticipate was how deeply it would challenge my understanding of reading, learning, and the very purpose of a library. More than just a space for […]

New waters… New hopes… My experience at the LEC contact period

Written by Vishala Vasant A conference room overlooking the beach. A sea of books within the conference room. Like-minded folks riding the same wave of passion. Thoughtful and experienced ‘bookworm’ers helping us dive into the depths of reading. This is how my LEC journey began at the first contact period in Goa… From the moment […]

My Experience at the LEC Course by Bookworm Goa

Written by Neha Aurora I recently attended the first Contact Period of the Library Educator’s Certificate Course, hosted by Bookworm Goa. I arrived with a sense of curiosity and left, struck by wonder. They say, ‘What you seek is seeking you,’ and never have the words rung truer. Our week-long interaction provided me with a dual benefit: […]

Finding a Home in the LEC

Written by Vani Balasubramanian Joining the Library Educator’s Certificate Course, in hindsight, seemed like an obvious next step for me. I was fortunate to be born into a family that prioritised pleasure reading as a hobby, and I was supported by library systems that allowed me access to the books that called out to me […]

LEC 2024: A Journey of Discovery

Written by Reshma Kotwal I have a bad case of the butterflies. It isn’t just the turbulence. I’m headed to Goa for the first contact period of the LEC course. Despite my background in education, I’ve never engaged directly with children, not even in a classroom let alone a library. This is terra incognita — […]

Learning to Embody Stories – An LEC Journey

Written by Nayanika P, LEC 2022 When I first joined LEC, I had some experience of working with children as a storyteller. I was often at loggerheads with the role, knowing there were parts of it I enjoyed and parts of it, like the performance bit, that I was deeply anxious about. The sessions I […]

Fireworks in the Brain…

Written by Dharmaraju Kakani, LEC 2022 A while back if you were to ask me, about my thoughts on library, I might have made a combination of these statements: A place for books, where readers can access them Experts who run libraries know best what to stock in a library The act of discovery (and […]

Mentoring at LEC 2022: A Journey of Patience, Trust, and Respect

Written by Ria Banerjee, LEC 2022 The seven-month journey from accepting the invitation to mentor the LEC 2022 cohort to the act of listening to each of my mentees’ field project presentations passed by in a flash. It was an intense and emotional experience for me. Returning to LEC after four years to work closely […]

What does it mean to be a librarian – My LEC Experience

Written by Deepti Ganesh, LEC 2022 While I was deciding on a career, my mother suggested librarianship based on my love for reading and keeping meticulous records of my extensive collection of books. At that time, I immediately dismissed the idea, not impressed by the picture of a librarian I held in my head.  Like […]