Bookworm Trust

Linking the Community to the Library

It has been three years since the Cipla Foundation (CF) has partnered with Bookworm to support the Libraries in School (LiS) Program in many of the schools and it has been a very fruitful partnership. We have been able to reach more children with the CF support and this has greatly benefitted the children. The […]

Highlights of Cacra MOP in the Month of September

As much as we love to share the love of reading, the children of Cacra in return share their love back to us by coming to the community library at Cacra twice  a week.Keeping Bookworm’s vision alive, we try to create interesting activities for each session in order to keep the children’s engagement alive.  Some […]

Display on different kinds of Books

A display is something that is put out prominently so that it is readily seen by all. Apart from this, according to Tessa Thorn,  the purpose of a display in the primary classroom would enable:  To extend children’s learning Celebrate Stimulate Inform Encourage children to interact with their environment To be used as a learning […]

Something as precious as Gold…

Once a week, every Wednesday, we visit a small community library site, nestled within a boys home and for a few brief hours, unfold the magic of stories among them. The session brings together around 10 boys who stay, play, study and work together within this home. In this group is L who struggles to […]

A very special Treasure Hunt

By Anandita & Stephie It started with a red envelope taped to the Jio register in the drawer (The jio register is a much needed Bookworm idiosyncrasy that arose from a curious case of missing jio’s,  missing charging cords,and uncharged jio’s.) The envelope said ‘Terence’ in bold black letters.  Terence was duly summoned and handed […]

What is a Library?

In The Librarian’s Book of Lists (Chicago: ALA, 2010), George Eberhart offers this definition:  “A library is a collection of resources in a variety of formats that is (1) organized by information professionals or other experts who (2) provide convenient physical, digital, bibliographic, or intellectual access and (3) offer targeted services and programs (4) with […]

My experience in Sanjay Center for Special Education

When I was informed that we are going to Sanjay School, I was very happy as I had heard so many good things about this school but had never got the chance to visit it. I had heard that this is a school for special children. To be honest, I never knew what a special […]

Library as a space for all children

Our MOP site at Chimbel is visited by children across the age groups of 4-14 years, from various parts of the Indiranagar settlement. There are three weekly sessions that are attended by changing groups of children, coming whenever they are able to.  In the library sessions, we noticed that children sometimes meet for the first […]

Exploring Partition in the Library

“Partition with a capital P signifies that this was a big event, “ said L, all of 13 years who was one of my participants in a Unit Study at Bookworm that was focusing on – The Partition. Ten children between 12 and 14 years gathered together every Wednesday for two hours over three months to […]

Book Recommendations

As an exercise in building our confidence around recommendations and inspiring conversations amongst readers, we have been hosting a series of weekly recommendation exercise at Bookworm.  Team members recommend books to each other and we listen to a bunch of book talks every Monday on these recommendations. It is interesting to see what we are […]