Bookworm Trust

Six Book Relay Teams – One Book 

A key element of library work is that of interaction. Texts are read, shared, discussed, dismissed, awaited as children in our pre COVID libraries gathered at regular intervals on our shared journey of becoming readers.  This interruption in our social lives simply meant we had to think again. As is want to happen when intentions […]

Story Hour from Home 

In a book titled Reader Come Home by neuroscientist Maryanne Wolf, we are cautioned to not expose children younger than five years to screens. The book is presented with thoughtfully documented science of the brain that shows us how our circuitry is changing with digital reading. Wolf advocates biliteracy, teaching young children “to read physical […]

What do you Miss? 

Written by the Library team The last few months have seen an upheaval and settling down of the library. Like the calm after the storm, it is still and quiet, unearthly in its silence. While libraries have always traditionally been associated with these very qualities, Bookworm has been the opposite. With a monthly calendar of […]

Holding up Story Time

As the pandemic set in and life became bleak, we tried finding ways to engage with our surroundings, to feel connected, to do better than merely existing. As mental health touched a new low, we wondered how to keep moving forward, to not let these times bring us down and productivity to suffer. Amidst this […]

सैम राखया written and read by Tanmayee Sahakari | Save Mollem #savemollem | Poems for the Ghats

सैम राखया अस्तंत घाट सोपलो कसो कोणाक कळूंक ना ! मनीस सुवार्थी जायत चल्ला,  तेका कोणाचें पडूंक ना !    काबार जालीं झाडां – पेडां, मेकळीं केलीं रानां ! मोनजातीचो स्वास घुस्मटलो सुलूस लागूंक ना ! मनीस सुवार्थी जायत चल्ला  तेका कोणाचें पडूंक ना !    उदरगतीची हाव आमकां  पयशांचो माज  राजकारणी मांडटात डाव आनी […]

The Underworld of our Virtual Work Life

The clock reads                                                   17 minutes to scheduled zoom session My heart reads                                     […]

One Month at Bookworm

Written by Divya Ribeiro Not many people are lucky to have a close relationship with their local libraries, as I have had with Bookworm. I was first introduced to the Bookworm Library when I was young. Every day after school, my parents would drop me off at the library where I would spend a good […]

सैमसुवाळो written and read by Mahesh Gaonkar | Save Mollem #savemollem | Poems for the Ghats

ल्हानपणातल्या म्हज्या सुपुल्ल्या गांवांत शियांळे सकाळी शीं आंगाक तोपतालें आंगणातल्या परशान लासूंक काडयो बडयो पुजोवोंक आमी दवान भरिल्ले ओले वाटेर मेळत तशे धांवताले तुका तेन्ना सरभोवतणी पयसुल्ले लेगीत निव्वळ दोळ्यांक दिसतालें नितळ सकाळचो प्राणवायू पियोन हड्डें उमेदीन फुलतालें……   आनी आतां ती सकाळय गेली ते दिसय गेले वातावरण प्रदुशणान भरून गेलें जाणां हांव प्रस्न किल्लतात […]

The Library: Constants and Changes

The library at Bookworm has open doors, open shelves, open programming, and rests on a concept of open access and collaborative ownership. The openness which has sometimes resulted in missing books, disappearing amounts from the cash box, and other mysterious happenings, has never been challenged with any other model. This strongly held value has permeated […]