Bookworm Trust

Storying Workshop

Written by Meenal Bookworm was approached by the faculty at S.S.Dempo College of Commerce, to conduct a one hour ‘Storying Workshop’. With the set goal to be achieved as strengthening the expressive writing skills of S.Y.B.Com students who have opted for the DST course, Team Bookworm sat down to outline a simple, structured to conduct […]

Story Book Art at Bookworm

Written by Barkha Sharda We had the first session for ‘Art Room’ today. The children were between 2 ½ and 4 years of age. Sheena narrated to the children the wonderful story of ‘Mr. Seahorse’ written by Eric Carle. We saw stone fish and leaf fish as we went through the sea with him and […]

Photo Book Making Project for Grandparents at Bookworm

Grandparents are a treasure of stories and memories. Traditionally, these stories were passed on from generation to generation orally through reciting anecdotes in family gatherings on the dining table and so on. Modern living may not allow such opportunities, with the younger generation being unable to spend time with the elders in their families. This […]

Piece by Piece….Our Tree Grew

“When life gives you scraps….make quilts!” …and that is just what we did! A year ago, we started at the roots….and worked our way up to the sky. And ‘sew’ it is, that a year later, our banyan tree is complete! Threads of many colours, people of different ages and people with varying skills and […]

They Came! They Read! They Cooked!

‘Turning up the heat’ cannot have been more apt for the 13th, 14th & 15th of May in Bookworm. Outside, the mercury is rising and the humidity spiking; and inside, the thermostat is being set to 200 degrees, and the things are being put on the double boiler! It’s the 3 day cooking segment; Cook […]

Reading Coral Tree…Under A Tree!

( The bard is back, and happily; to tell of a day spent merrily!) Summer days…..can be spent in so many ways! Like sitting in a park in idle haze!   And to the park, we certainly did go… ‘Idle haze’, a definite no! The summer campers took a walk, And on the way about […]

We Saw Red!!

(Posted by Tara Saldanha) Thursday, 8th of May saw an eager bunch of children bound into the library . To begin the day dedicated to the colour red, we sent the kids on a scavenger hunt around the library for all things red. Once our scavenger baskets were brimming, Sheena brought out a selection of […]

Read Aloud Bucket List

It’s Summer time and of course at Bookworm, we’re all about books and reading! This summer, we created a Summer Reading Bucket List and it’s available in the library for anyone who’s up for the challenge! Through our programs, we read in schools, we read in community spaces, and we read in parks. But this […]