Children’s Library unconference 2018
Written by Joanne Saldanha The excitement started in late December, when an email from Sujata bore news of the Children’s Library unConference 2018. Having absorbed, learnt and grown (at least that’s what I think!), so much during the Library Educators Course, it was absolutely a no-brainer to attend the unConference. A message went out on […]
My journey at Bookworm
I first came to know about Bookworm through Deepa – she said “Take Eli to Bookworm Library they run a really nice session for children on Saturday morning”. We had just moved to Goa and I was eager to get Eli to interact with other children. Eli did enjoy his PSM session but I think […]
Bookworm Jumble Sale 2018: the place to be!
It seems to be a tradition for the library to be thrumming with a cauldron of high strung nerves, high end energy, combined with immense anticipation and excitement, during the month of January. The reason of course, being: the Jumble Sale. During this month, we are as likely to be bombarded by shouts and loud […]
Fiction in Non-fiction
By a random chance, I found myself reading two very interesting books at the same time, last week. I have never been able to read two books at the same time, for leisure. I don’t know why I felt it necessary to read both at the same time, but once I had started them, there […]
Memoirs in the Library
This year I have the joy of teaching a small group of young adults at the library. A group of five middle schoolers who are on the threshold of being swept into the undercurrent of literature and life. Being a group in an open program with an open educator, we have the freedom to choose […]
My New Bookworm Chapter
Libraries are said to be a storehouse of energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve. I feel privileged to be a part of such an explorative world. As a student, I was not a bookworm but liked reading. And the challenge that appeared […]
The End
As I begin to look back at 2017 , the Bookworm story is onto another chapter, the story line appears pretty linear from the outside. So this reflection could be straightforward. We have much happiness to report. A growing tribe of readers with an additional LiS school this year. A new house in Chimbel for […]
Dialogues at Bookworm: Why do we dialogue?
Written by by Radha Gopalan The Beginning We live in extraordinary times: there is the crisis around justice , violence of human against human and human against all life systems, preoccupation with our own wants, desires, aspirations. Then there are people and communities that are trying hard to live cohesively with respect and dignity with […]
Bookworm Events – November 2017
Cry, Heart, But Never Break written by Glenn Ringtved and illustrated by Charlotte Pardi
The name of my book is ‘Cry, Heart, But Never Break’, written by Glenn Ringtved and illustrated by Charlotte Pardi. This story is about death. This is a sensitive story about learning to say good-bye to those we love, which shows us that death is a natural part of life, both necessary and inevitable. I […]