Bookworm Trust

World Literacy Day every day!

Bookworm is a very small grounded organisation. This means a small team doing big things. Having this closely knit small team works in our favour because we are very agile. We are very quick to work on ideas, create a working model, try it out in the field, collect feedback and revise and finalize the […]

Act Out!

Act Out, a twelve week acting workshop by Director Rajyashree Dutt concluded yesterday at Bookworm with the group performing two plays; Narahari Das and Captain Bumble. As Bookworm brings the curtain down on Act Out for 2016, we are extremely grateful to Raj… or Aunty Raj as the children call her for bringing drama to […]

The Joy of Writing Well … ah well !

We began this June with a determination that we must provide opportunity within Bookworm for readers who are interested in the craft of writing.  We know that this connection between reading and writing is not as automatic  as we tend to believe and does not happen naturally. What is natural and must be celebrated is […]

Play Reading

Dear Friends September 1st, 2016 we invite you to Bookworm to read the script of …   The characters are interesting The dialogue in the first act of the play has been hailed by some critics as some of the greatest in all of the American theatre.  The play  examines the breakdown of the marriage […]

Representing our creative selves

This school break, it seemed imperative that I enable the team to reflect on self, go inwards and strengthen their own personhoods. This need arises from the nature of our work. It makes very heavy demands on us as people and I feel in order to keep going and nurturing others we must on occasion […]

The beef about Burger

“Burger”, our first Konkani story Read Aloud at Bookworm. A very private in-house reading session guided by Siddhi and Padma, Don Bosco College of Social Work interns. Unbeknownst to them, they are playing a wonderful role in immersing us with Konkani. As both of them sit together to figure out a session plan or read […]

Drama Day 1

‘Early on a hot Sunday,  five princesses and four princes set out across the kingdom of Bookworm to create their crowns, embellish their ornaments, listen to stories and figure out the process of finding a real princess!  For — hours, we found ourselves atop horses, over peas, poring over books on space and watching a […]


When you’re cooking in the library,You’re learning all the while — To pour and measure, mix and stir And sift flour into a pile.         Scrub your hands before you start         Tie your apron too          Find pots’n pans and measuring cups         cause you know what to do! . Read the recipe, step-by-step,Mixing, stirring as you […]

Preschoolers ? Who cares?

Late last year, it seemed like the Pre School Program would be threatened with the imminent exit of Elaine – our then Preschool Educator Goddess , who created story magic every Saturday for hundreds off little ones over the past 9 years at Bookworm. Like all departures we rallied, got together as a group at […]