Bookworm Trust

Bookworm Jumble Sale

Dear folks, If you have not donated anything to our jumble – please do so this week. We are sorting up to the final sale, putting prices on stuff, finding matching shoes and what not. We welcome household articles, ( dishes, trays, curios, cups, frames….) , toys, books, electricals, furniture, and clothes ( only if gently used or unused). Mark the […]

Cholta Cholta, 21st November

This Sunday 21st Novemeber from 10.00- 12.00 noon, walk with Cholta Cholta on a heritage, nature and architectural trail, Assemble at 9.45 am at The Mint House ( Casa da Moede) opposite G.P.O Panaji. Walk with Pritha Sardessai ( an architect and social researcher) and Sujata Noronha ( educator) and learn about why the square is called the Tobacco Square, what barter trade left and came […]

Left Foot Forward

A movement workshop for 9 years and over to come explore how their bodies move individually and collectively. Various activities in each session will enable the participants to progressively put together a small dance piece of their own. As the name implies no prior dance knowledge is required. The idea is to enjoy and learn! […]

Cholta Cholta- Friday, 22nd October

Cholta Cholta on Friday 22nd October. Time: 5.00 – 6.30 pm Fee: Rs.100 Adults and children . Chidren below the age of 9 must be accompanied by an adult. Meeting at the Abbe Faria Statue at 4.45 pm  and walking off to the Mhamai Kamat Residence, Clube National, Old Secretariat and Fazenda. Lots to see, much to learn and […]

Cholta Cholta, Friday 24th September

Cholta Cholta, walks on a section of Dada Vaidya Road, Panjim . We will walk into Panjim’s first official temple and listen to the story of the Travelling Goddess, participate in a public festivity, walk to the spring and learn how an old school got its name. Date: Friday 24th September, 2010 Time: 5.00 p.m – 6.30 […]

Make and Gift Raakhis this Raksha Bandhan

Bookworm announces a Raakhi making workshop. Children will craft upto four unique Raakhis. Each Raakhi has been designed by team Bookworm, keeping in mind fine motor skills of children and an attention to detail. A variety of materials like coir, foam, wood, metal, wool will be used to hand craft these Raakhis, that will be […]

Cholta Cholta

Cholta Cholta, learn while you walk, is an initiative being launched by Bookworm, Panjim. The main objective of the program is to share the city, its buildings, stories, art and natural heritage with young people. The walks are all guided and will include observations of structures, stories, interesting facts and myths with reference to places […]

Story Telling with Venita Coelho

Friday 30th July at 5.30 pm – story telling with dramatic story teller and author – Venita Coelho Venita will read a well known and loved book by Dr. Seuss. This is open to all ages, come be part of this story session at Bookworm.