Bookworm Trust

पुस्तकालय के साथ मेरा छोटा सा सफ़र

Written by Pooja Kumari मैं परिवर्तन पुस्तकालय, बिहार से फ़रवरी 2023 में जुड़ी उस समय मुझे पुस्तकालय से जुड़ी कोई कामों की जानकारी नही थी और ना ही मैं कोई कोर्स की थी, ऐसे में मुझे पुस्तकालय के काम करने में दिक्कत होती थी, क्योकि मुझे किताबों की उतनी समझ नही थी साथ-ही-साथ बच्चों के […]

Mentoring Journey: Guiding Lights

Written by Diksha Chodankar Mentoring meetings started in the month of March 2024. It has supported me very much in my daily library work. It has helped me to maintain my reading log and to achieve my monthly reading goals. Earlier I was reading only picture books in the library. I was scared to touch […]

My time at Bookworm

Written by Aari Teresa As a reader, I initially discovered Bookworm and instantly fell for their graphic novel section. Eventually, I decided to pursue an internship and it has been a completely novel and fun experience for me, with plenty of exciting new challenges. My name is Aari, and I’ve been interning at Bookworm for about […]

Introduction to Libraries Workshop

by Rigzin Lhamo My perspective of Goa was limited to images of sun-soaked beaches and sizzling nightlife. It was firmly rooted in this outdated vision until I had the chance to attend the “Introduction to Libraries” workshop at Bookworm, this July. Little did I know that this trip would reshape my view of Goa but […]

Bookworm’s First Reading Challenge

Written by Wendy D’Sa The inter library Reading Challenge winner was announced in May 24 and much to our expectations, The Alban and Aurora Couto Community Library, Aldona was awarded the winner.  In January of 24 when Sujata proposed the idea of holding an inter library Reading Challenge between all our five libraries, the library team […]