Getting Ready to RiP (Read in the Park)!!
(posted by Flavia Lobo) The eve of the Reading in the Park at Aldona. The BW mouse? No – Krystal’s on the kitchen counter ensuring that BW has the appropriate stationary in stock for the first BW event in Aldona which is not in a school. Why does BW store stationary in a kitchen cabinet? […]
Priya Naik – a bookworm ?
I picked up a call, though the number being unfamiliar to me. “Is it Priya Naik?” I was stunned and excited and jumping all around while I was on a call and got to hear I am appointed to work for them. The very next day i.e. 29th July, 2013 I joined “BOOKWORM” full of […]
What Makes A Good Library Session….postered!
Reflection. This is one of the crucial features that helps our work and ourselves develop and grow. At our last LiS meeting, we brainstormed and thundered and ideas poured out! A part of our fortnightly meeting was a session dedicated to ‘What Makes a Good Library Session’. At this point, a moment’s silence before every […]
Team Bookworm continues to learn
In our quest to learn more about children’s books, the team met on October 14th for a workshop to discuss illustrative techniques in ‘picture books’. Brilliantly chaired by Chetna and Elaine, the study material chosen was an article by Miriam Martinez And Janis M. Harmon titled ‘Picture/Text Relationships: An Investigation of Literary Elements in Picture […]
2 years of Worming around with Bookworm
On 15th of October 2013, I completed my 2 years of working or life with Bookworm, more life than work. Let me start with the usual line that everyone uses “It has been a great learning experience, and an opportunity to grow personally and professionally.” Well it has been, I am not denying it. Quoting […]
We click photos to remember things!
The title of this post came from the response given by one of the kids in a 4th std class in St Thomas Boys. And that is exactly what I did. I clicked pictures to capture the moment. It was a particularly animated session in this class. We started off with discussing how we remember […]
The LiS S.W.A.T Team!
That time of the month again; to look back and reflect, to look forward and plan. The LiS team had its monthly meeting today. As a team, we’ve been functioning largely as 2 halves; the Aldona team and the Panjim team. In between the 2, beyond meeting and discussion there was not much else. I’d […]
My Library book is….outstanding!
In recent weeks, as a team, we’ve been pondering over what makes marks an exceptional book over a good book. What is this defining characteristic or characteristics? Subsequently, it’s not an uncommon sight to see people mid-tasks, taking a moment to join a huddle over a book discussing its qualities; some nods, some quizzical looks, […]
Smt. Sunandabai Babdodkar High School joins the LiS Family
It’s a dull grey Friday morning and an (even earlier) early start for the LiS team. Today we’re off to Salvador do Mundo to visit and pilot the program in a school there. Unheard of to the young ones on the team, we talked as Sujata drove us there. We’d both planned sessions for the […]
Really Little Fingers In Std 2 at Mae dos Pobres, Nuvem
I was all set and ready to go!! I had planned and prepped for my first Read Aloud (RA) with Std. 2. Part of my planning included using thread to create a cat’s cradle. … but the game didn’t work for the day as the children’s little fingers were too small to coordinate the […]