Bookworm Trust

Things that can help make a story experience better

While planning for a Read Aloud or a Storytelling session, there is a need to think of ways that can bring the children closer to the story by allowing them to experience it in an interesting manner. Some of the things that worked during my sessions at Bookworm’s Mobile Outreach Program community library at Chimbel, […]

Of colours and birds at MOP Chimbel

From the month of November 2019 there are two sessions at MOP Chimbel that stayed with me the most. These are a poetry session on ‘My Many Coloured Days’ by Dr. Seuss and another Read Aloud and bird watching activity based on the story of ‘Salim Mamoo and Me’ by Zai Whitaker, illustrated by Prabha […]

On selecting Read Aloud stories

“What kind of books should we select for Read Alouds at MOP Chimbel?” was my question in a conversation with our Director, Sujata Noronha at the start of October. The response was in the form of another question, “what trends are you observing in the children visiting the library in the last few sessions?” This […]

Library as a space for all children

Our MOP site at Chimbel is visited by children across the age groups of 4-14 years, from various parts of the Indiranagar settlement. There are three weekly sessions that are attended by changing groups of children, coming whenever they are able to.  In the library sessions, we noticed that children sometimes meet for the first […]

Library as a window between the World and the Community  

When I joined the team at Bookworm library, I heard many stories about experiences at MOP Chimbel. From these and from the children coming to the library, I learnt how the community had migrated from different parts of Karnataka, some familiar to me (at least by name or district). The children who come to the […]

Library, Literacy games and Children at MOP Chimbel

As the children’s exams approach in the month of March, some do still attend library sessions, though for shorter periods of time. We tried literacy games as a tool to involve the children (for shorter lengths of time) while staying connected with the library through literacy. So children could participate in a game and then […]

A collaborative Library experience

MOP Site: Indiranagar-Chimbel, Goa Resource Persons: Pranita, Simran, Terence At the beginning of this year, we completed 7 years of the Mobile Outreach Program at Chimbel. Thanks to an opportunity from a sponsor, we were able to celebrate this, with the children. Besides a Magic Show, we planned to display the artwork that children had […]

The Week following LEC Contact -1

As soon as I got back from the LEC contact, I tried to capture some of the highlights on that day itself. Although it did not shape up into a detailed report, with a gentle nudge from my mentor – Theju, I will attempt to share some of my learning and experiences here. Sujata was […]

Trees and Books

Being new to the Peter Bhatt site, planning for the session held a two-fold challenge. Retain the existing girl’s interests, as well as try to draw in the boys, who prefer to play outdoor games. The previous session offered a clue to which type of book could be appropriate. The children were distracted (in a […]

Learning through questions

This New Year, questions about how children could manage school, tuition classes, house chores and still manage to come to the library sessions, were at the back of my mind. Would books more closely related to their school subjects, satisfy their conceptual needs for academics, as well as draw more children into the world of […]