Bookworm Trust

Library Educator’s Course Experience

When I was first asked if I wanted to do the Library Educator’s Course, I felt excited at the opportunity to learn more about library work. I was also a bit apprehensive about managing my work and the course simultaneously. But Sujata, my director, put all my fears to rest when she told me that […]

Sherlock Holmes: Books V/S Celluloid

My first experience with the maverick detective was as a pre-pubescent when our teacher showed us one of the old classic Sherlock Holmes movies. I remember being very fascinated by his mannerisms and how he solved the mystery, even though I was too young to understand deductive logic. Many years later, I received one of […]

Night At The Library

On 1st October 2016, Bookworm celebrated ‘A Night at the Library’. It was a pajama-themed party that had splendid food and exciting games. All the members at Bookworm were involved in the preparations and that is what made the party so memorable. Everyone arrived by 8:30 pm. We were treated to a scrumptious dinner of […]

Libraries in Schools at Our Lady of Merces Primary School

This is the first year that we are conducting the Libraries-in-School Program at Our Lady of Merces Primary school in Merces. Our sessions are conducted in standards three and four; two divisions each. The classes have a large number of students, close to fifty each. The school teachers are present for each of our sessions. […]