Bookworm Trust

Nulla nibh neque, suscipit sit amet dictum nec

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a erat eleifend, vulputate nulla imperdiet, hendrerit felis. Nunc eu augue dignissim, tristique massa in, consectetur magna. Aenean diam velit, ultricies a blandit eget, accumsan sit amet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed viverra risus et nulla finibus commodo. Suspendisse aliquam elit ut leo rutrum […]

Morbi tincidunt urna sed tellus venenatis sollicitudin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a erat eleifend, vulputate nulla imperdiet, hendrerit felis. Nunc eu augue dignissim, tristique massa in, consectetur magna. Aenean diam velit, ultricies a blandit eget, accumsan sit amet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed viverra risus et nulla finibus commodo. Suspendisse aliquam elit ut leo rutrum […]

Quisque at nisl maximus, fringilla magna sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a erat eleifend, vulputate nulla imperdiet, hendrerit felis. Nunc eu augue dignissim, tristique massa in, consectetur magna. Aenean diam velit, ultricies a blandit eget, accumsan sit amet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed viverra risus et nulla finibus commodo. Suspendisse aliquam elit ut leo rutrum […]

Submissions for Torchlight Issue 6

Torchlight, a journal of libraries and bookish love, powered by Bookworm (Goa), is 5 issues old. We are getting set to launch Issue 6 in July 2018, the theme of which is Library and Art. Libraries are hubs of creativity and in them art is manifested in a variety of forms–sometimes even in a recycled […]

Recruitment Ad: Junior Accountant

Bookworm’s vision is “To inspire and develop a love for reading as a way of life, nurturing humane engagement in every girl and boy.” We have a library and office in Taleigao out of which several programmes are run. These include: the library itself, Libraries in School Programme (LiS), Mobile Outreach Programme (MOP), Library Educators’ […]

Torchlight Issue 5: Dedication Ad

For our next edition of Torchlight (Theme: Bookish Love), we are doing a story on the best dedications people have received in books given to them by friends/colleagues/loved ones. Maybe you had been looking for that book for the longest time and a bestie found it for you? Maybe you were adrift and the book […]

Torchlight Issue 5: Bookmark Ad

For lovers of books, almost everything can turn into a bookmark. For our upcoming issue of Torchlight, we’d like to feature some usual, unusual, funny, creative, ‘anything can be a bookmark’ bookmarks that you use in between those fascinating pages. SO DEAR READERS, PLEASE SHARE WITH US A PICTURE OF YOUR FAVOURITE BOOKMARK at […]

When they aspire and inspire

Stories about people are always interesting. All the more when it’s about hard work, determination, passion, overcoming struggles and doing extraordinary work or service. Such stories have a lasting impression on our minds-inspiring and motivating us to be determined in life and realise that success comes through perseverance. NT BUZZ gathers a few stories of […]

The Leading Ladies

Women are the helm of every field which affects their families directly or indirectly. Though many may not come out in the open to show their strength, there are those who make a difference by voicing out their concerns loud and clear to bring about social change. In Goa, many women social activists have brought […]