Bookworm Trust

The LiS S.W.A.T Team!

That time of the month again; to look back and reflect, to look forward and plan. The LiS team had its monthly meeting today. As a team, we’ve been functioning largely as 2 halves; the Aldona team and the Panjim team. In between the 2, beyond meeting and discussion there was not much else. I’d […]

My Library book is….outstanding!

In recent weeks, as a team, we’ve been pondering over what makes marks an exceptional book over a good book. What is this defining characteristic or characteristics? Subsequently, it’s not an uncommon sight to see people mid-tasks, taking a moment to join a huddle over a book discussing its qualities; some nods, some quizzical looks, […]

Smt. Sunandabai Babdodkar High School joins the LiS Family

It’s a dull grey Friday morning and an (even earlier) early start for the LiS team. Today we’re off to Salvador do Mundo to visit and pilot the program in a school there. Unheard of to the young ones on the team, we talked as Sujata drove us there. We’d both planned sessions for the […]

Exposure visit to Mumbai

As a team at Bookworm, we are constantly given chances to grow and reflect and deepen our understanding of the work we do. In this month, that opportunity came in the form of an exposure visit, to organisations that work with literacy and  children’s literature in Mumbai. And so it was that a 3 person […]

Little Fingers, Big Minds….at Auxilium Primary School, Aldona

Wednesday morning at Auxilium Primary School, Aldona. This will be the first time I am doing a class here. The book we’re reading today is Little Fingers. This colourfully illustrated book delightfully shows the unique features of each finger and the many things that we use our hands for. The moments I enter the class, […]

What ‘EYE’ saw in St. Thomas Boys Primary School this Week

It’s a rainy day. Today I am visiting St. Thomas Boys Primary School for a session. I drive up and park and walk into the staff room where I see a wall that’s covered with colourful books….Bookworm shelves! Flavia was ready, and we rushed off to the first class for the day. Std. 2. An […]

Surprise! Surprise!

  The weeks have been flying since the Libraries in Schools Program began for this academic year. With nearly 3 months already gone, we’re in the week just before Ganesh break. Its that time of the week again. Tuesday. Time to hit the road and head off to Nuvem to be in Mae dos Pobres […]

The Rooster and the Sun (Re)visits Taleigao!

Taleigao MOP. Friday evening. Its a dull grey, overcast evening. Getting to the depths of Santissmo Vaddo is literally a roller coaster ride; what with no road and a narrow path with a drop on one side where the wheels skid on the stones. This is how we get to the site. The kids, they […]

The Library…in Auxilium Primary School, Aldona

Welcome to the Library space at  Auxilium Primary School, Aldona. A happy and comfortable environment. A place where stories are told on big big books! A place where we get books. A place  where learning is made fun! A place where reading is encouraged!