These are the gifts they bring…
It’s Christmas time. All through the school we work with there is the charge of festivity in the air. The tree of excitement includes some kids getting set for Christmas and all the merriment that comes with the season. Some others are getting ready to throw their hands up in the air and yell in […]
Rooster Raga at Auxilium, Carona- Aldona
(Posted by Flavia Ferrao) One Wednesday after noon, at 12.15pm to be precise, Std. IV were waiting expectantly at the door of the library for their class. Sheena had prepared many surprises for them in her own inimitable style. On a bench by the door each of them had to locate their notebook which contained […]
To Like the Book or Not Like the Book….this is the question.
In light of our recent and ongoing discussions and wonderings about ‘book selection’ and the process that goes into discerning a good book from an okay book and these two from maybe a not-so-good-book; I’ve been trying to pay more attention to asking the kids questions about to describe their books and perhaps what they […]
Wacky Wednesday
(Posted by Flavia Ferrao) It is the Library in Schools (LiS) program that has brought meaning to Dr. Seuss’ legendary vocabulary for me, until now; there were a whole lot of nonsense words, most of the time. As far as our sessions in Auxilum, Carona were concerned, the 18th of December 2013, was Wacky Wednesday. […]
Reading in Your School, Mae dos Pobres
A bright Tuesday morning. The team is zipping down to Nuvem earlier then usual. Today is no regular LiS day at Mae dos Pobres….today is the Reading in your School event. We called ahead to let the principal; Vilma Henriques; know that we are already on our way. We are excited. They are excited (she […]
A Happy 8 Months at Tonca MOP
8 months at Tonca MOP! On the one hand it feels like it’s been longer than that; the book moments, the happy moments, the moments of connecting with the kids, the odd moments of frustration; they all seem too many for such a short amount of time. On the other hand, the year has flown […]
If you ever spend a day at Bookworm, you might feel the need to keep a dictionary close at hand. You’ll soon find that Bookworm talk is no ordinary speak. “What’s your RA selection?” “Who is the RP for MOP today?” “Is your LP done? What’s the Ext Act.?” ‘E, What’s your food idea for […]
Getting Ready to RiP (Read in the Park)!!
(posted by Flavia Lobo) The eve of the Reading in the Park at Aldona. The BW mouse? No – Krystal’s on the kitchen counter ensuring that BW has the appropriate stationary in stock for the first BW event in Aldona which is not in a school. Why does BW store stationary in a kitchen cabinet? […]
What Makes A Good Library Session….postered!
Reflection. This is one of the crucial features that helps our work and ourselves develop and grow. At our last LiS meeting, we brainstormed and thundered and ideas poured out! A part of our fortnightly meeting was a session dedicated to ‘What Makes a Good Library Session’. At this point, a moment’s silence before every […]
We click photos to remember things!
The title of this post came from the response given by one of the kids in a 4th std class in St Thomas Boys. And that is exactly what I did. I clicked pictures to capture the moment. It was a particularly animated session in this class. We started off with discussing how we remember […]