Bookworm Trust


Written by Sanjeevani Atre गोवा म्हटले की, डोळ्यासमोर येते ती मोज मज्जा  पण गेले पाच दिवस मी वेगळ्याच विश्वात फिरून आले.  इथे मोज मज्जा आहे,पण ती मुलांच्या भावविश्वाची        या पाच दिवसात आम्हांला एकदाही कार्यक्रमाच्या हाँल बाहेर सोडण्यात आले नाही.आमचा बाहेरच्या जगाशी संबंधच संपला. आता आतल्या जगात डोकवायला सुरूवात झाली होती.खरेतर सकाळी ९ वाजता सुरू […]

When Learning is Handcrafted…

Written by  Lakshmi Karunakaran – LEC English 2018 participant I saw Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s aphorism ‘God is in the detail’ come alive as I walked into the LEC 2018 classroom in the St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Centre in Goa. The classroom itself had been converted into a children’s library, with shelves neatly lined […]

Sharing the LEC experience

Written by Sanchari Ray Chowdhury Glimpses of LEC (1st Contact) It has been a week since I am back from LEC and I have thought to share a chunk of my experience I have gathered in my first contact. Before going into the course I had apprehensions in my mind regarding the course. I was […]

Nayana Pai on Contact 1 of LEC English 2018

I  experienced   the ‘joy in reading out books’ first hand when I read them to my son in his early years. The curiosity that he displayed by seeing the pictures closely and posing questions as I read the text and turned the pages, made me realise what a special magic a picture book has, to […]

My first day at MOP

Written by Reis Estrocio When I first arrived at Bookworm, it was quite different from any other organisation. My team members Kabita and Stephie were busy planning for the session. I was anxious, thinking how will I need to perform. Will the children listen to me? What if I cannot meet the team’s objectives and so on. […]

Children’s Library unconference 2018

Written by Joanne Saldanha The excitement started in late December, when an email from Sujata bore news of the Children’s Library unConference 2018. Having absorbed, learnt and grown (at least that’s what I think!), so much during the Library Educators Course, it was absolutely a no-brainer to attend the unConference. A message went out on […]

Dialogues at Bookworm: Why do we dialogue?

Written by by Radha Gopalan The Beginning We live in extraordinary times: there is the crisis around justice , violence of human against human and human against all life systems, preoccupation with our own wants, desires, aspirations. Then there are people and communities that are trying hard to live cohesively with respect and dignity with […]

A Russian folktale reaches Chimbel

Written by Neelashi Mangal Terence: Gulnaaz! (He sits on the mat they had just laid on the floor and kids sit around him in curiosity.) Gulnaaz: Sir! Kaunsi story hai? Terence: Russian story about a little girl. Gulnaaz, a 10-year old girl is a senior in the community library program group. She wore a floral […]

Dear Bookworm,

Written by Sonali Upadhyay Dear Bookworm, For the past 34 days you’ve been a home to me in more ways than I could imagine. They say, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” That was certainly true when I met you, you’ve transformed me over this course of a month and I’ll forever be […]

Beating the Chimbel Summer with Drama and Craft- Its Magic!

Written by Ana and Sammy April 2017, a time when the summer heat was its hottest in Goa and the Chimbel children were looking for fun things to do with their time. The MOP Team conferred and decided to give them something new! Something we knew the children would love… To begin with let me […]