Bookworm Trust

About Us

About Bookworm Trust

Reading is a language in its own. “Bookworm” – a name which expresses the key quotient of the quintessential book lover began in September 2005 out of Panaji, Goa. The aim was to create a rich accessible collection of childrens’ books to all.

Since then, it has evolved to encompass several streams of thought:

Dr. Lucio Fernandes, Pritha Sardessai, Dr. Fernando Noronha, Karen Almeida, Oscar Braganza along with our Director Sujata Noronha.

Meet Our Team

Annual Reports

Work With Us

At Bookworm, we believe that everybody can make a difference by contributing either their time, their expertise, and even their ideas! If you’d like to volunteer / work / partner with us, please fill in the details below.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Look out for the coming edition of the library newsletter which keeps you up-to-date with reviews of past events and announcements for activities of interest in the future.