Late last year, it seemed like the Pre School Program would be threatened with the imminent exit of Elaine – our then Preschool Educator Goddess , who created story magic every Saturday for hundreds off little ones over the past 9 years at Bookworm.
Like all departures we rallied, got together as a group at Bookworm and decided we would face the threat head on. We put Preschool program at the head of our collaborative planning. We did this because as a Library and Literacy program, we know what a head start with books means.
It means, a rich stimulating literary environment from the earliest ages
It means, a proficient speaker and educator who understands developmental and emotional needs of preschoolers
It means, a collaborative space to talk, play, do, learn and have fun through out it all
It means a comprehensive program that allows the multi sensory stimulation that a book themed approach allows us at Bookworm
It means a head start on reading by enabling books to be taken home from the youngest of readers
We have a new Preschool Educator Goddess at Bookworm. Her name is Deepali Pitre Correya. Every Saturday she draws more and more children to reading, learning and creating and she smiles through it all. It is rare to find someone who understands, is willing to learn, accommodating of every one and seeking to grow into a finer educator on a daily basis!
We are blessed as are the many smart parents who make Bookworm’s Preschool Mornings their choice of the week !