Driving, No! Racing around the Library…
Saturday morning was back with a beep! Yes, you heard right!
Beep! Beep! Coming through…
Preschool kiddies scrambled into the library…Mete, Malaika, Marcel and we even had new faces- Meera and Gabriel.
Elaine began tooting away with ‘the horn on the car’ goes toot! toot! toot! And all the little ones joined in..Malaika reminded us about the driver in the car, who said, “Move on back!”
After Elaine read out the book Bindi Su, we had a toy car race- everyone came first and cheered each other, mind you! 😉
We hooted up the stairs in a line to make our snack- Bindi Su in a plate. All that running and cheering about saw them all polish off their plates clean.
Later, Elaine had cut out little car shapes from foam board, which the kids painted red and stuck on a sheet of paper. They then had to draw out where they thought Bindi Su went. Marcel’s Bindi Su went to a swimming pool, Mete’s and Malaika’s both went to a farm.
I’m sure downstairs Bindi Su was smiling all along.