Bookworm Trust

Our Libraries in Schools ( LiS) program is off to a start in 2 taluka’s in Goa Bardez and Salcete.

In Bardez,  the village of Aldona  – under the Alban Couto Primary School Library Project has two primary schools with books and resources. St. Thomas Boys Primary School and Auxilium Convent. 

Every week, Isa and Flavia our Library educators are in the classroom/library room telling stories, encouraging browsing, reading aloud, creating art and writing opportunities for the children and lending books for home reading. 

It is all happening and it is possible. 

In Mae Dos Pobres school in Nuvem, eager faces await the Bookworm van as it pulls up on Tuesday, knowing that it is the library day. The same drama unfolds but with library educators Krystal and Sheena and stories are read aloud, extension activities are encouraged and supported and a community of readers delight.





Libraries in schools are possible with vision that Bookworm is holding fast onto, but it is enabled by Principals and School Management who share this vision and want their students to learn and grow and by people who support us. 

More primary school libraries are beginning this week as the bookworm inches along, but the program urgently needs financial support. If you would like to help or support this program, please write to us at

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