On Friday the 29th of June, Goa got a glimpse into the pages of a wildlife artist, Carl D’Silva’s sketchbook.
The artist displayed his sketches of birds in their natural setting and close up views, from his recent trip to The Andaman islands. Beautifully, done, Carl’s sketches truly captured the scenery and birds in vivid detail.
The artist took the audience through the events and stories behind the images and told delightful anecdotes of his travels, that kept the audience hooked on his words.
Carl also explained the role of a wildlife artist in recreating scenes from memory and with a thorough understanding of science of animal behavior, anatomy and geography that result in images of painstaking detail; images that would in a lot of circumstances be next to impossible for even a skilled photographer to capture on the spur of the moment!
Extremely well accepted, the event that was hosted at The International Centre, Goa had to be moved to a larger reception area as the turnout exceeded expectations.
Next on the Calendar and at a request from the wild life enthusiasts in the audience was a request for a more intensive workshop on Wildlife Art.