Bookworm Trust

Social distancing in the library has resulted in empty library rooms, forlorn passages, a quiet hall and the depressing realisation that my day is empty without the children.

I am struck by how much of my thinking and doing is because of the interactions that children and adults bring into my library work and just when I begin to feel the empty rattle of my mind knocking against the fact that it is useless in a social distanced world,  I receive a present.

The present includes a hand made book with a complete story whose topics range from an interest in planes to business take-overs,  kingdoms and gifts and things. A wide ranging story. I am reminded that a physical distance hardly means a mental distance.

The note, says the library and I are loved.

The story connects us enough that I have browsed and selected books on airplanes to share back with my young gifter and the loneliness of the  library was invaded with a presence. In hundreds of homes in Goa, we know that the act of reading is being kept alive and I feel less alone and more connected than ever !

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