Bookworm Trust

We invite you to join us in reading this powerful text together. If there is a time to discuss a book – this is that time and this is one of the books that will enable us to understand racism through systems of power.

If you have a copy of the book, our reading guide will scaffold the journey with prompts and questions that can be discussed in our learning space.

If you do not have a copy scanned chapters of the book will be mailed to you for continuous reading.

Our circle will be enriched by discussions and conversations for three weeks, as we move forward in understanding systemic racism through a powerful telling.

For: Ages 13 and above
When: 1st July 2020 – 30th July 2020
Where: Moodle and Zoom ( links will be
shared after registration)
How: Email if
interested in participating
Cost: Rs. 300 ( upto 20 participants)

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