Bookworm Trust

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The name of my book is ‘Cry, Heart, But Never Break’, written by Glenn Ringtved and illustrated by Charlotte Pardi. This story is about death.


This is a sensitive story about learning to say good-bye to those we love, which shows us that death is a natural part of life, both necessary and inevitable.

I liked this book because it connected with me personally. I lost my grandmother in a similar manner. One day, my grandmother finished all her daily chores – washing clothes, cooking, etc. – and lay down to rest in the afternoon. I was around 10 years old. I entered that room to get some tamarind pieces which were stored there. She asked me what I was doing and I told her and ran away because I was not allowed to eat tamarind. I was the last person she spoke to. A couple of hours later she passed away.


All this while I laughed or cried only by looking at the pictures in all the books I was asked to read. I watched others describe how words in books affected them. For the first time, I too read a book and realised that words can affect me too.

This book is very heart-warming and so I did not go out with my husband that evening, because I wanted to read this book.

Image courtesy: Google

One Response

  1. It is indeed a beautiful book as everyone prepares to see off the beloved. Thanks for such honest sharing. Its often in books that we our deep-seated feelings find a space to be.

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