Bookworm Trust

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Last when I was painting my wall as a time pass I had never thought that the next wall I will paint will be for Bookworm. After conducting an Art workshop for the chimbel children I had developed some kind of connection with them. Not visiting Cacra library much for MOP sessions I had not got a proper chance to know those children. Until I was told to paint a wall at Cacra Library.

So to begin with, the work I was allotted to do was painting a wall at Cacra Bookworm library. Though I say I was given the work it was for the children from the children. I was asked that it should be such that those children should feel personally connected to the painting. So for that I had to talk to the Cacra library members.

When I went there I met Kareena, Binayak, Aparna, Vibhav and Mani. I explained to them what we are planning to do and they were very much excited. They all came up with the idea that they want to draw a beach, a sun and some mountains. So it was decided that we will paint something to which they are closely connected. The Beach.

It was suppose to be a 3 days wall painting workshop. During the morning hours. So I told the my tiny assistants to be present at sharp 10 am on the fixed days. They were more than happy to come at 9 am. But I had to cross a river that too peak hours. So 10am it was.

Day 1

The outline day

As expected Binayak, Mani, kareena, Aparna and Vaibhav were already waiting for me and it was not even 9.50 am. I was equally excited. As soon as I opened the library door everyone started screaming. Miss I will draw this and I will draw that. So I gave each of them a paper and a pencil and asked them to draw whatever they wanted to draw on the wall. Kareena came up with coconut trees and Binayak with the mountains. Vaibhav came up with the waves and Aparna came up with a house. Which according to her was a library. Vaibhav started laughing saying’ Aparna your library will get drowned during the rains’ so she thought for a while and and removed a book and started drawing something from the cover page of the book. I did not interfere but waited. She came up with a tree house so that both the library and the books are well protected during the rains. Also according to her the tree on which the library was, was one of the well known tree on that beach under which we often conduct our library sessions when the weather is really nice.

So we had our painting idea with us. Only now it was time to materialise it on the wall.

Everyone took a pencil and started drawing on the wall. While drawing the outline for the sand part of the beach Kareena came up with the idea of sticking real sand to the wall. I was amazed and thought WHY NOT??.

Once the outline was drawn we sat together and made a list of all the colors and materials we are going to need for the next day. We wound up at 12.30. Satisfied with what we had done and with their hungry stomachs we headed home.


Day 2

Colour filling

I reached late. 30 mins late. Not my fault. Due to our respected Governor’s helicopter take off they had blocked the traffic. So the delay. I had to face the already waiting children. ‘Miss give us your number so that we can call you if you are late’.

I poured colours for them and asked them to start painting. I was assisted by Ruth today. Todays task was fill their allotted areas with colours. Little Akanksha joined today so I made Mani and akanksha The Water Pourers. they were more than happy to pour water in the containers of the senior painters.

Once we were done. We all went to the beach and washed ourselves and the brushes and the other materials we used for the day. We also collected sand which we were suppose to stick the next day.



Day 3

Shading, sand sticking and MOP van

I had to show them only once how to do the shading and then they were onto it. The news that library is being painted reached other children also and there were many small children who wanted to join as well. I had asked Mani and Akanksha not to come because we were suppose to throw dry sand on the glued wall. And I did not want to take a risk of hurting them in any way possible. But I could not just tell these new children to go home. The owners car was not parked outside the library so I placed a mat there and made them sit there with paper, pencil and colours. Told them to draw whatever they like. They were more than happy.

After shading, we started applying glue to the wall. And throwing sand on it. Abhay and Priyanka joined in as well. Abhay, Vaibhav and Binayak enjoyed it the most.

I was about to write  THE BOOKWORM LIBRARY on Aparna’s tree house when she said it won’t look nice and was not  very happy with the idea. Who was I to go against her wish and do something she thought would ruin her master piece. But I wanted something on those walls which would have connection with Bookworm so the MOP van. I drew the outline and they filled in the colour. And every one contributed. Kareena painted the books. Aparna, Binayak and Priyanka the main red body, Vaibhav the tyres and the Bookworm and me left with the head and the tail lights.

The wall was painted. I was to be assisted by the children ended up being their assistant. And I did not mind it at all. It was fun filled workshop. And that’s how I also developed a connection with Cacra children.



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