Bookworm Trust

Written by:

Written by Ana and Sammy

April 2017, a time when the summer heat was its hottest in Goa and the Chimbel children were looking for fun things to do with their time. The MOP Team conferred and decided to give them something new! Something we knew the children would love…

To begin with let me first tell you the story of the Chimbel MOP Summer Camp- Drama and Craft Workshop.

This is the first chapter in our Summer Camp story and Ana and I were the opening act. Terence came with us on the first day, to show us the way to Indiranagar and facilitate children who may want to do drama and craft with us.​

​We arrived to a welcome from 10 children. We were happy. More children joined in when they recognized us.

(DRAMA) The children loved the acting activities and participated by giving ideas to each other. We learned the act and the song partially after the activities.

Our Song

There comes a time

When we must read a book

To learn a new thing or two

We are the next generation

Who have the determination

To share a book with you

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who read

A book every day and never forget it.

They are so colorful

And makes me happy in many ways

So why don’t you pick up a book

And feel the same way.

(CRAFT) The children were amazed by using the vegetables as designs and stamps. It was a color full session.

The children were flooding in ​on the second day. We had grown from 16 to 20 plus children.

(DRAMA) We had awesome time acting. We played team games in which the children were encouraged to make scenes and have a dialogue among them.

(CRAFT) We needed a bouncer at the door. We had children wanting to come in because they were excited to make bags. We gave a few children a chance to make the prints after we had sent the first and second batch out.

(DRAMA) On the third day, we began with our vocal activities, making sounds. After this we had two team activities in which each team had to present a scene and others had to guess. They chose scenes themselves and the next one was that they had to make an object which I gave them.

Then we practiced the song and they acted once, after which we had them perform it!

(CRAFT) As soon as Ana came in, they became like monkeys jumping in excitement to make their bags. It was really awesome to see some of the children make designer-wear designs and the others go wild and vivid with their creativity. There was a lovely air of expression. We helped them put the handles for their bags and Ana had them walk a ramp walk.

All in all, it was an amazing experience and was great to see that there was a big number interest in the MOP!





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