Bookworm Trust

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Written by Melcom

When I joined bookworm, I started as a part- MOP (Mobile Outreach Programme) volunteer and also was doing my Master degree in Goa University simultaneously. In this tenure as a volunteer, I learnt so many things which I was not even aware off. As a volunteer I got an opportunity to meet so many people, community children, different places within and outside Goa, learning and getting to know the literacy world. You get to learn more and more thing which are very part of our life.

To be very honest I never felt for a moment that whatever I was doing was useless and meaningless. Working at Bookworm is like learning new things and this is what I really felt about bookworm. I worked really hard and have always given my hundred percent. Yes!!!, I wouldn’t say that I am totally perfect. I too make so many mistakes but I learn from my mistakes.

I initially started assisting sessions at MOP and later when the organization found me capable, they also gave me chance to lead MOP sessions. So now I do both leading as well as assisting at MOP sites.

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Now after completing my Master’s Degree from Goa University, I decided to join Bookworm full time. It been only fifteen day since I have started working full time, and I have already learnt so many new things. I even got an opportunity to experience Margao MOP which was recently started. I was always excited to work with Bookworm and now since I will be working full time it gives me double excitement.

Working full time means more responsibility, more challenges and more hard work required and I am full charged to fulfill it. I am confident that I will fulfill my duties with a full heart and dedication. I hope that working full time at Bookworm will be a successful and meaningful journey and I am looking forward to learn new things. Thank You Bookworm for considering me a worthy person for this extraordinary programme. Nijugrapher-Bookworm-Non-profit-trust-registered-charitable-trust-in-Goa-St.Inez_Concert_Day - 50 - DSC_9159

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