Corporation of The City of Panaji (CCP) in association with Bookworm concluded a summer of Thread Narratives at Garcia de Orta garden on 27th May 2015 at 5 PM.
Bookworm’s summer Thread Narrative project this year was to gather a community under a common banner, or should I say quilt. Every Wednesday for the last 7 weeks, the young and old, experienced and newcomers have met to try their hand at an old craft- quiltmaking. The ever-growing group of quilters in the park worked on two quilts. One a simple square patchwork, and the other a quirky mix of abstract shapes and stitches. Everyone worked on a patch which was eventually stitched together to form the final quilts.
The experience was meant to encourage handicraft and creativity. Several people remarked on how they had dodged stitching classes in school but now found a new love for it in the park each Wednesday. For others it was a chance to display their talent at quiltmaking. Several senior ladies wowed the group with their deft needlework and flair for patterns. One Wednesday, expert quilter Bernie, who has honed her skills over 19 long years did a short demonstration of tricks and tips and explained the intricacies of quilting.
For the younger lot it was a welcome change from college and studies and we all picked up new techniques of quilting. For many it was a doorway to discovering their talent for needlework. Leonora Falleiro said it was her mother who insisted she take part in the quilting as it might teach her a thing or two about stitching. Now she says, ‘I looked forward to every Wednesday and was so happy to come stitch at the park. It has been a wonderful experience meeting new people, listening to them share their stories…and making a quilt patch of my own. It was an experience like no other.’ I for one have a new fascination for quilting and its possibilities and plan to begin a quilt of my own.
Over the two months we made new friends and shared stories. The experience did bring together the wider community. Several people joined the group just out of curiosity and stayed on. Passesbys stopped to ask questions and take photographs, fascinated by the unique sight of a group of quilters in the heart of busy Panjim city. This Wednesday we have the much awaited unveiling of our completed quilts. Also those of us who have handmade quilts at home will put them out on display and stand by to tell the stories of the individual quilts- who made them, why and for whom. Come join us and spark a new love for quilts and needlecrafts. It promises to be a fascinating evening.
Written by Tara