Bookworm Trust

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THREE years ago, around this time of the year; we started the Mobile Outreach Program ( MOP). From then the program has grown in many ways; Pedagogy, Programming, Administration, Reporting and Feedback have been improved and evolved to achieve the vision of the program of taking books to children in underprivileged communities who deserve it the most.

We have started a new MOP site at Padri Bhatt which is not too far from our library space in Taleigao and it coincided with our MOP anniversary. We found a new bunch of children eager to listen to stories, borrow books and participate in  creative literary activities.

The community seem to have accepted our presence and we are always struck by how keen and eager most families are for their children to learn and engage with learning activities.

Our initial session was led by Melcom and Jewel who have taken initiative with Niju to start this site and are therefore committed to keep it growing. Both Melcom and Jewel have grown so much through the MOP program that it is heartening to watch them now lead and take this work forward.

To see our RPs begin the program, watch this video


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