Bookworm Trust

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Summer’s through and not a moment too soon!
The kids and their energy… (there were moments when) they made us swoon! (The heat this summer had a large part to play in the swooning!)

But now the academic year’s back and we need to prepare;
And as you know, this is done with great care!

Our team has expanded, more have joined the pack,
Ideas and energy, we certainly don’t lack!

In the week gone by, there’ve been many instances,
when book lists and name lists have been given second (and third and fourth) glances!


The books they been sorted, and covered and mended;
This part came with a threat that for the (zealous and shutter happy)  photographer was intended!



IMG_0458So each grade in our LiS program they get a (carefully selected) stack;
and every month we see them, as the boxes come back.


IMG_0878Then as always, and with everything, the numbers need to match;
And each library register will tell us if there’s a catch!
IMG_0880So ofcourse there’s a side of admin to this…
The number of lists that are made for LiS!

IMG_0885But that’s not all! There’s serious pedagogy at the helm,
It’s that which guides us, and planning is well within our realm!

2014-05-31 13.35.58Soon there’ll be a doc, colour coded and planned,
That’ll tell us who and where and what book will be at hand!

2014-05-31 14.57.31There’ve been minor setbacks and some struggles as well,
But this group works like a family…and that’s swell!


Our stationary boxes are fully stocked;
For when children around us have flocked!


Even the boards are been given a face lift, and ofcourse that’s a need…
A blackboard that t’was not black is of no use indeed!

And so now, its time, the hour is upon us,
For time tables and RAs and reporting…but it’ll all be done with no fuss.

So watch out for our red van, and keep an eye on this space,
The team will tell it’s stories of the new highs and lows they’ll face!

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