( The bard is back, and happily; to tell of a day spent merrily!)
Summer days…..can be spent in so many ways! Like sitting in a park in idle haze! And to the park, we certainly did go… ‘Idle haze’, a definite no!
The summer campers took a walk, And on the way about trees was the talk.
An Ashoka, a Banyan, a Mayflower too, …so many trees around us grew!
Excitement as we named them all…. And as I read… a silence did fall.
A book about the Coral Tree,
Written and illustrated beautifully!
A dash of non-fiction, a hint of story,
This was the perfect recipe;
To tell the tale about this tree;
that to all around did bring beauty.
The pages of this book hold sounds;
Of feathered friends that sat around.
And as we read, we heard their presence
‘Towit”, “cheewit” “kik kik” “keah”;
Their calls and cries that cut through the silence! “Don’t go barking up the wrong tree!”; they say…
But the little ones with some crayons did play! They rubbed the crayons up and down,
And on the paper, then, a pattern was found!
Craft on! Craft on dear little ones!
Their dried branches were soon to become… Happy, coloured tiny trees,
Covered in many coloured leaves! A run around, then time to go…
…from the park, they had some things to show! A day well spent, happy faces around…
…this will always be the case where stories are found!