(Posted by Tara Saldanha)
Thursday, 8th of May saw an eager bunch of children bound into the library .
To begin the day dedicated to the colour red, we sent the kids on a scavenger hunt around the library for all things red. Once our scavenger baskets were brimming, Sheena brought out a selection of story books. The kids had settled down for a book browse when they were surprised by Tara who popped out dressed as different characters from the books- Clifford the big red dog, a red kite, and a lady bug. The aim of the game was to match each character to the book it was found in.
The book for the day was Little Red Riding Hood, a childhood staple, but we read it with twist. Energy levels were peaking and everyone wanted to join in the enactment. Tristan played the big, bad wolf and Abishai was the woodcutter as all the rest stood by and listened raptly. It was a reading like no other as Aarik exclaimed at the end “I liked this story!”
Craft for the day included a variety of painting techniques including inkblot painting, string painting and printing with hands and feet, all using red paint of course!
Crafting ended with the kids thrilled to learn that painting didn’t always include a brush and we had little red footprints all over the library floor that day!
The painting extravaganza was followed by molding tiny rose red strawberries out of coloured marzipan. The kids were all delighted with the sweet treat, squirreling them away to enjoy at leisure.
This summer Bookworm gave new meaning to the term ‘painting the town red’!