Bookworm Trust

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Helen Hitchcock an old friend who extended support to Bookworm’s school book treasury to support a school in Mandrem in 2009, has been involved with Bookworm in many small and big ways since.

We have not seen Helen over the past months and while we kept Helen on our mailing list and in our hearts she played the role of the Fairy Godmother, yesterday. 

Helen arrived to review and visit the Community Library at Chimbel and delighted the children with her presence and her patient answering to ” what is your name?” , ” where are you from ?” questions. The children loved to have Helen there and we did too.



Sohaib bridged the language gap well by reading a book in Hindi to Helen and then asking Helen to read a book in English to him! A healthy and wonderful exchange.

The children then filled in their reading Interest Inventory which they enjoyed for some reason. They are all very clear that they come to the library to read and to learn and to enjoy and also learn English, but there is a  unanimous feeling of ‘ liking books’. I like that . 


We read Biblioburro at Chimbel this past Saturday and we made candle holders to prevent drips and to light the way as we all read more in to the future and there is a future for our wee Chimbel community library as Helen in true Fairy Godmother style has made a donation towards our rent for a year to come!  The light shines!

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