“What season are we in?” was the question Elaine posed to the Std 3 students of Regina Mundi School. So many little hands went up wanting to answer.
The story ‘Rain’ was being read out aloud. Initially a bit of coaxing was required for the children to answer but within a few minutes all the children were participating. The story was transacted in 4 classes and they all listened with rapt attention.
This was a build up to the book fair that was to be held the next day.
On 23rd morning the red van laden with boxes full of books made its way to Chicalim.
We laid out the books meticulously and were set to roll. Within minutes we had teachers, parents, students glancing over the books waiting to come back to browse after the PTA meeting.
The book fair was very well received. Parents asked for age specific recommendations.
The children were very enthusiastic. They browsed through the books and had lots of questions about the stories, illustrations and Bookworm! Some of them did come back to ask if we had the read aloud story for sale!
The recess break had the older children flock the stall. Holding their snack in one hand, they were trying to scan through as many books as possible with their other hand!
The parting question asked was “Will you come tomorrow?” “Not tomorrow, but we’ll be back soon!”