Bookworm Trust

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The 1st day of August saw Elaine and me drive out to Shiksha Niketan for a Bookfair. We had been told that the parents would be coming to meet the teachers. So we displayed our books and waited for the parents to arrive.

We were positioned outside a classroom and the moment the kids got a break there was chatter around the tables. “Do you have Geronimo, do you have Percy Jackson?” were the common questions asked.

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But I pulled out other books and said “No, not Geronimo but we do have books from Katha, Tulika, and Jyotsna”. I must say they were not convinced until they started looking through the books.

It’s always so wonderful to see how children react to different kinds of books. Soon enough they did not bother about the names that were not there but were deeply engaged in the books that they could get their hands on. In fact the excitement increased when they found a few titles that were a part of their library or were in their readers!

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The Principal and the Hindi language teacher bought books to add to their library.

So the next time around I’m sure I’ll be asked for an Eklavya or Tara title!

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