Bookworm Trust

On a warm Friday afternoon, Bookworm had the pleasure of welcoming Eleanor Viegas, artist and museum educator for an in-house workshop.

As Eleanor walked around the library space talking, listening, asking questions, she radiated a certain quietness and calm. Being involved with community projects she was quick to appreciate the patchwork that the Needlecrafters group had put together, while sharing ideas to take it further. She watched with keenness a short documentary on the various programs that Bookworm is engaged in and was heartened to see the spirit that the Mobile Outreach Program encompassed.

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With the team all settled in, Eleanor proceeded to share with us a program that she is closely involved in, Ubuntu, a value based program that aims at building positive qualities and values in kids and teachers too. The team was quickly immersed in activities that included affirming qualities seen in each team member as well as listing attributes that each person wished to develop in the near future. While on the surface the session had playful elements in it, there were opportunities for deeper introspection. A time to pause and reflect on the many qualities that each one possesses and sometimes loses sight of as the routine and bustle of life takes over.

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With time spilling over what emerged clearly was – there was a need to have similar sessions on a regular basis for the team and of incorporating the Ubuntu program in some way in our MOP sessions.

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