Bookworm Trust

Once Upon a Feast Day……and the day the book was released. Both now hold a special place in our memory.

The courtyard of St. Michael’s Church, Taleigao; festooned with buntings and flowers, each of the guests marked with a festachem boutonniere, flowers and palms at the entrances, a choir singing and a  delightful mix of people all came together to form the perfect backdrop for the release of Bookworm’s latest publishing.

The book was warmly received by the attendees. And all attention belonged to Mia as she told the story of how she came about writing the book. The chief guest, Wendell Rodricks had the guests laugh out loud as he told a childhood story he was reminded of when he read the book.

Fatema Barot, displayed her beautiful illustrations and took us through her creative process with the book.

The formal release of the books was followed (in the style of the book) by bhojje and cold drinks accompanied by lively and heart conversations all around the courtyard. And in true style of a book release, people lined up to get their books signed by the young author.

The evening was indeed a festive affair!

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