Bookworm Trust

Literature and butterflies are the two sweetest passions known to man. ~Vladimir Nabokov

This months edition of Green Path was a butterfly walk led by Parag Rangnekar; author of Butterflies in Goa. And the kids loved it!

The group started their walk into the field at 5:15 p.m. on the 27th of November; and the search for butterflies was on!

The kids were excited as they walked through the field looking for butterflies, spotted a variety of other insects and picked little flowers along the way.

And when the first butterfly was spotted, breaths were held as Parag deftly caught the butterfly. All eyes and ears were his as he showed the kids a Common Indian Crow.

A collective “wowww!” went out as the butterfly took flight and the kids followed its path for a moment.

“Oooooooh! Look! There’s two of them!” one of them chimed as a pair of Field Blues fluttered past!

And then came the questions! “Where do butterflies sleep?” “Does a butterfly have 4 wings?” “What’s the difference between a butterfly and a moth?” and all their questions were answered!

 The kids were completely taken in by the presentation they were shown of various butterflies in Goa.

By the end of the session, the kids were all abuzz with the new things they had learned and were making plans for their own butterfly walks in the garden.

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