Bookworm Trust

“Good morning everyone, are we happy to be back at Bookworm?”  A loud ‘Yes ‘comes the reply from the kids happily settled on the mats, ready for the Saturday morning session to start. “I know what we are going to do today” pipes someone, ‘me too’ adds another and we are off exploring the theme for the day. Most of them eagerly provide snippets of information while a couple of them have to be coaxed to add their bit. And then the story unfolds, with puppets sometimes bringing the characters to life.

What follows next is a lively round of action rhymes and songs. After an energetic game, it’s time to settle down to do some art. Putting paint to paper is what all of them thoroughly enjoy so there are often queries of “Are we going to paint today?” There is an air of concentration as brushes get dipped into different colours and their pictures slowly emerge.

“What are we going to make now,” asks one of the kids as brushes and paint are put away and the tables readied for the craft. There is a buzz of excitement as the craft model is displayed and instructions given. With dollops of glue and sequins all fixed, the craft piece is ready to be taken home.

The session is incomplete with a food element so the next question is, “Are we going to make something to eat now.”  With a quick trip to wash up hands everyone waits expectantly for the finale. Something as simple as a chapatti pocket with cheese is quickly polished off, much to the surprise of some of the waiting parents. Proudly showing off all that was made during the session the kids leave one by one until the library falls silent until the next preschool morning.

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