Bookworm Trust


World of Bookworm

Bookworm is a library-focused organisation, based in Goa.

Registered as a charitable trust for over a decade, our vision has always been ‘To inspire and develop a love for reading as a way of life, and nurturing humane engagement, in everyone.’

What We Do

It’s much more than just books!

While the heart of Bookworm lies in its books, it is also a space for creative learning kept alive and vibrant, through a variety of programmes for children as well as adults.

Library & Resource Centre (Lib)

Libraries and activity spaces actively running with a diverse collection of children’s books, along with book talks, author events, engagements, and much more.

Libraries in Schools (LiS)

Facilitating an active engagement of teachers as library educators, to provide grade-appropriate reading resources; while developing thinking and literacy skills.

Mobile Outreach Program (MOP)

Taking books to children in communities from families with limited economic resources; while focusing on first-generation learners.

Professional Development Program (ProD)

Certificate courses, online and on-ground workshops of capacity development for schools, institutions, education organisations, professional librarians, etc.

Visual Arts Program (VAP)

Embedded within all Bookworm programs, to create engagement using different types of art and craft activities themed around books.

Home Based Libraries (HBL)

A project focusing on providing specially curated playsets to help children with learning disabilities and special needs to engage at home, with the help of parents.

Our Core Values

Our core values ground our programs, the libraries we provide, and the training that we conduct. They guide us through every decision that we make.

Our Impact

We believe that measuring our impact is incredibly important. It provides data so that we can continually improve our programs. We also believe it is important to communicate, both the successes and challenges, that we face to those that support us.













A Few Kind Words

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